
I love hawkeyes!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The twelve days of Christmas

On the fist day of Christmas my drive through gave to me (and) a bacon classic with cheese,
On the second day of Christmas my drive through gave to me, two happy meals,
On the third day of Christmas my drive through gave to me, three soda pops,
On the fourth day of Christmas my drive through gave to me, four french fries,
On the fifth day of Christmas my drive through gave to me, five onion rings,
On the sixth day of Christmas my drive through gave to me, six milk shakes,
On the seventh day of Christmas my drive through gave to me, seven bowls of coleslaw,
On the eighth day of Christmas my drive through gave to me, eight egg McMuffins,
On the ninth day of Christmas my drive through gave to me, nine jumbo hot dogs,
On the tenth day of Christmas my drive through gave to me, ten chicken nuggets,
On the eleventh day of Christmas my drive through gave to me, eleven McFlurries,
On the twelfth the day of Christmas my drive through gave to me, twelve big macs

 See ya

Monday, December 20, 2010



Tasty and tangy,
 I like apple and cherry,
What more could you want,

 Hot Chocolate

 Hot but not tasty,
 Just marshmallows I like,
You get what I mean,

Thursday, December 2, 2010


... Oh there you are. I was just reading a really good book on alligators. Do you want to here about it ... sweet. O.k. an alligator is known as a crocodillian in the gator family. If you live in the U.S. then you would mostly alligators in swamps maybe the everglades would be a good place to look for them. They also have big scales on their backs to camouflage themselves like logs.

see yah

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Hello there do you like frogs? There are many different types of frogs but I think the most interesting type of frogs are poison frogs. Frogs do a lot of hopping so you'd think they'd get really tired after they're done hopping well you're right they spend a lot of time hopping to get away from their enemies or to find food. Here's a question do you think all of the frogs in the world are small? They're not some are over three feet in diameter.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Hola everybody I'm feeling a little crabby today well I mean I want to learn about crabs. I figured out that a crab has a tail , but it's really short. And here's another fact not all crabs are who they say they are like hermit crabs, king crabs, porcelain crabs, horseshoe crabs, and crab lice.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Harry Potter

Hi guys we're going on a journey to the magical land of the wizarding world to visit Harry Potter. Harry Potter is a novel of a young boy who lives with his aunt and uncle and they treat him extremely bad, but then a giant comes to rescue him, and takes him to a school by the name of Hogwarts where he meets new friends like Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. They have many good adventures. Oh and yes all of the books have been made into movies. Yesterday I saw the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part one.

see ya later

Monday, November 22, 2010


Hello today we have a special blog. It's for Thanksgiving. What does Thanksgiving mean to you? Thanksgiving is the holiday that I get to spend time with my family watching football and being thankful for all the things we have. Here's another question what are you thankful for? Well I'm thankful for everything I have because if I didn't have these things like clothes or shelter life wouldn't be the best. You try to imagine what life would be like without all the things you have.

P.S. Happy Thanksgiving

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

killer whales

Hey do you want to know about killer whales...great. A killer whale is not what you would usually call it. You would call it an orca. Killer whales are found in every ocean in the world. A orca would often feed on fish but occasionally it would eat a sea lion. Don't be afraid of these gentle creatures.

Adams Elemementary

Hello we're going to talk about my school Adams Elementary. It's just an ordinary school all the kids are nice like Jonathon Chase, Kayd Nissen, and Parker Klocke. My teacher is Mr. Orlano. He's nice he used to have a mustache so we called him Mario. Today we got a new student his name is Luis Perez. He's awesome he used to live in Atlanta before so he's probably a Atlanta Falcons fan. We're all good friends see ya.
P.S. The school is haunted.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Yo football season is ending so we better talk about the highlights of this year. Kirk Ferentz did awesome as always. But why does he get all the glory you say because he is a great coach period.  And how awesome did Stanzy do he had some mistakes but lead us to a great season with the help of D.J.K. and Marvin McNutt. I think they will all make it to the NFL. Oh I forgot Adrien Clayborn!!! He did ok this year but last year he was the star defensive end of the big ten.

 That's the highlights of today see ya.

Monday, November 15, 2010


Hi all you slithery scaly reptiles out there. Do you like snakes? Snakes are reptiles with no arms or legs. I know how would they walk well they don't they slither. They slither by moving up and down in a s shape. Also some snakes spit poison like the king cobra or the black mamba. Most people  would think snakes are invertebrates but they're not they're vertebrates. Snakes are amazing to me because they live in every Continent in the world ecept Antarctica. But I don't get that maybe you could show me.

Friday, November 12, 2010


Hi do you snowboard? I do. I think it's exhilarating and hard to master. Snowboarding is a sport with a man and a snowboard. The man rides on the snowboard down a hill with snow. If it didn't have snow it would just be a board. The board has straps that will keep the boarder from falling off his snowboard while making his decent. And the shoes are made sticky for the same reason of also the guy not falling off his board. Snowboarding is sort of a mixture of surfing, skateboarding, and skiing.

Snow Leopards

Hola I'm going to tell you about snow leopards. If you haven't seen a snow leopard they're like gray and white plus they have like black spots. They can be found in different parts of Asia. They are nowhere near sea level they are in the rocky mountains. Snow leopards are classified as big cats as I would call them. They are 60 to 120 pounds in wieght. I found something new about snow leopards . I learned they can't roar instead they hiss and growl! that's all I know.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Michael Jackson

Hi do you like pop music. Well if you do then you'll like Michael Jackson. Michael started his career in 1969 and ended it in June 2009. That is also the year he died. He died from the drug Ativan. You should never take this drug if you want to live. Michael had many hit songs from thriller to beat it. But Michael is not known for his singing it's his dancing that people love. Michael was married to none other than Elvis Presley's daughter. Michael is recognized by Guinness world records for being the most successful entertainer of all time.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


This is Michael Jordan.
Sup you like basketball? I love basketball!!! Basketball is a team sport or individual. Their are two different types There's one on one or there's team against team. The object of the game is to score points with a ball and a basket. You throw the ball into the basket and score points until the timer runs out. There are two different ways to score points. You can get two points by doing a layup or shoot the ball inside the square facing the basket. The best player I think their is is Michael Jordan.

 see ya

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Hello soccer is the world sport. It is played in almost every country in the world. Soccer is also known as football in other countries. Their can only be 11 people on the team that are on the field at a time. anyway their can be up to 1,000,000,000 people on the soccer team. I live in America so soccer isn't the sport that kids play in their free time. The positions of the game are goalkeepers or goalies,fullbacks, midfielders, forwards,the sweeper, and the stopper. Soccer is fun if you try it.


Hey have you heard of dragons? Dragons are legendary creatures of myths and folk legends. Different types of dragons come from different places around the world. Like the Europeans have European dragons and China has dragons like water dragons and sky dragons. Dragons are reptiles with scaly skin. Some dragons are real but they are not like the kind in legends. They're more like lizards. One type of real dragon is the komodo dragon. Most dragons are to say to breathe fire or spit poison. Dragons are also said to be guardians of stuff that's important.


Monday, November 8, 2010

Barack Obama

Barack Obama is the president right now. He was born on August 4,1961. He used to be a Senator in Illinois. He is a native of Honolulu,  Hawaii . He was a good student and graduated from Harvard law school. He is also the president after George Bush. Barack's mother died trying to get to him.

Friday, November 5, 2010

My life

Hi this is a story of my life.I go to school and eat lunch. The lunch is so good. Thanks lunch ladies. I ride the bus home I get dropped off five blocks away from my house. When I get home I play a card game with my family. Usually we play monopoly deal  dad never wins, and he gets upset. Then I work on my blog. But sadly it's bedtime when I get done. Then the cycle starts over

see ya

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Abraham Lincoln

Hello again we're going to talk about my favorite president. His name is Abraham Lincoln. He was the 16th president of the United Sates of America. Abraham was known to his friends as honest Abe. He was assassinated in April 1865. He was killed in Ford's Theater Washington D.C.  But back in the old days it was just Washington. He tried many times to be in the United States Senate. But failed. He had four children. Their names were Robert, Edward, William, and Thomas. Abraham was a brave man.

see ya

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The early settlers

Oh there you are. I was just reading this awesome book. It's about early settlers of America. What did you say you want to here about the book. O.k. Most of the early settlers that you've heard about are like Christopher  Columbus. But their are people that have discovered America even before Columbus.  Like the Indians. Well when Christopher arrived in America he thought he found brand new land through Asia and Australia. Columbus was surprised when he saw other people on his new land. He called them Indians because the land he found was called the east indies. Well that's what he called it. The Indians today are called native Americans.

gotta go

Friday, October 29, 2010


Hey have you heard of singular and plural possessive nouns. Their nouns but you have to do something to them to make them possessive. To make a singular noun possessive add an apostrophe s. To make a plural noun possessive add an apostrophe. But if it's like sheep than add apostrophe s.


Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Roar!!!!!!!!!!  do you think I'm a stegosaurus. No that's silly. But we're going to talk about them. A stegosaurus has these things like spikes on their backs. They use them to defend themselves. They lived around the Jurassic time period. I love stegosauruses.

 gotta split      hahahahahahaha.

what the heck is a nudibranch

Hi I'm going to tell you what a nudibranch is. A nudibranch is a member to the soft body animals like opisthobranches, or mollusks. A nudibranch has a shell but that's only in the larval stage. I find that they are very colorful. The word nudibranch comes from the Greek word naked gills. If you have heard of these creatures you would often call them sea slugs.

 gotta go

Monday, October 25, 2010


Hey we're finally done with invertebrates. Now we're starting vertebrates. Vertebrates are a animal with a backbone. A backbone will help them run,stand, and not fall on your butt. All vertebrates have cartilage in parts of the skeleton in their bodies. Cartilage is like a cover for the ends of most bones. Are next part is fish. There are three different groups or types of fish as one would say. There are jawless fish,  cartilage fish, and bony fish. Different types live in different waters. But fish have on thing in common. Their all coldblooded. This what a coldblooded animal is. It's a animal that's blood temperature varies on the environment.

   gotta go.

Friday, October 22, 2010

diary of a wimpy kid

Holden again. Have you read this book I think it was good. If you haven't read this book I'll tell you about it. It's about a boy who was not very popular. His name the main character was Greg. He had a brother name Rodrick. He was really mean. And a friend named Rowley. And a lot of other characters but you'll have to read the book to know about them. Oh but I forgot one other thing. The author is Jeff Kinney!!!!!

see ya.


Hi Holden again. I'm going to tell you something I learned in math. I learned how to make two digit subtraction easier. Let's start. First you subtract the first two numbers on the right. If it's like 2-7 you can't do that. So you'll have to regroup. Take one number away on the left side at the top. So if it's like 5 it will now be 4. Then add one number to two so it will be 12-7. Then you just subtract all the numbers.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Complex Invertebrates part 2

Hey complex invertebrates again. Let's start. Arthropods are a type of invertebrate but they are smarter than the average mollusk or segmented worm. A arthropod has body sections. There's a head, a middle, and  wings. Arthropods have sections that do stuff like help them see and walk. Arthropods have this thing called an exoskeleton. It protects the inside of the arthropods body. I find that the exoskeleton doesn't grow with the arthropod part very painful. You know flies and centipedes their both arthropods. Their are two groups of arthropods one has two body sections the other has three body sections.

Gotta go.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Complex Invertebrates

Hey more and more invertebrates it seems like. Let's start. In my last post I told you about simple invertebrates. Well now we're talking about complex invertebrates. There invertebrates but they are much sophisticated. These guys have tissues that are there to form organ systems. Segmented worms are our next subject. They are another type of complex invertebrate. There are three worms that belong to this group. Earthworms,leeches, and clamworms. Guess what, all these guys live underwater.

gotta go.


Hi Holden again. I'm going to tell you things I learned in school. In reading,I learned how to make inferences. You make an inference by reading the sentence,than describe the character. That was a breeze for me. I hope in the future we'll do something more challenging. But I really liked it.


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Simple Invertebrates Part 2

Hello Holden again It's part two of this lesson. Let's start.  Coral, jellyfish, and sea anemones all have one thing in common their all stinging celled animals. Don't get confused their invertebrates also. The animals use their tentacles to sting their prey, and then pull them forward to eat. O.k. are next subjects are flatworms and roundworms. Flatworms are soft body worms that are long and flat. That's the term flatworm. The flatworm have only one opening it's for eating and disposing waste. That's gross.  A  flatworm can live inside other  other bodies, and eat on their insides. Roundworms have bodies that are more complex than a flatworms. You know how I said that flatworms can live in other bodies. Well one type of roundworm lives inside of pigs. Flatworms and roundworms aren't so different if you look at it in different ways.

                see ya later.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Simple Invertebrates

Hi it's Holden more invertebrates. If you haven't read my last blog about mollusks a kind of complex invertebrates I'll tell you one more time what an invertebrate is. An invertebrate is a type of animal that that has no backbone. I'm sure glad I have a backbone. But you know we're not talking about any kind of invertebrate.  We're talking about simple invertebrates. The simplest kind of invertebrate is a sponge. Not like Sponge bob he's a house sponge, but I mean sea sponges. You know something really cool if a part of a sponge gets damaged it the cells in it's body will give the sponge a new body.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Hello it's me Holden. Do you know about mollusks? Well if you do great but I'm going to tell you more. Mollusks are a really big group of animals such as octopus, snails, oysters and clams. Mmmm they sound good to eat. But back the mollusks. Mollusks are soft body invertebrates. That means that they have no backbone. If you've heard of snails you'd know they have shells. But you know an octopus doesn't have a shell even though it's a mollusk. You know that all the mollusks that I've mentioned are all things we eat.

                                                                           Talk to you later.


p.s. all animals that I've mentioned that are tasty have not been harmed in the making of this blog good by.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Living in South Dakota

Hi my topic is South Dakota. Did you know that South Dakota is called the Mount Rushmore state?  The four faces of Mount Rushmore were carved into the side of the bluff.  Speaking of faces, I think we are having smiley face potatoes for lunch.  Hey, have you heard of the Badlands?  They are in South Dakota.  I love South Dakota because I went there three years ago and it was fun.  South Dakota has a lot of famous people like Chief Red Cloud and Sitting Bull.  Gotta go.