
I love hawkeyes!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


This is Michael Jordan.
Sup you like basketball? I love basketball!!! Basketball is a team sport or individual. Their are two different types There's one on one or there's team against team. The object of the game is to score points with a ball and a basket. You throw the ball into the basket and score points until the timer runs out. There are two different ways to score points. You can get two points by doing a layup or shoot the ball inside the square facing the basket. The best player I think their is is Michael Jordan.

 see ya


  1. I love basketball and I love Michael Jordan also nice blog.

  2. Holden I like Dwayne Wade. And if you shoot outside that square how many points is that? I don't really enjoy basketball that much but nice job if I were to grade your blog I would give you an A+!
