
I love hawkeyes!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Mrs. Kluver's class

 Mrs. Kluver is my tiger time teacher.  Tiger time is basically a reading class.  In our school and today we talked to our penpals in France.  They are cool I guess.  We've been doing a lot of stuff with this. 

 See ya

Osama Bin Laden dead

Hi everyone big news Osama is dead!!! If you haven't noticed Osama did some really bad things in the past. Like he bombed the world trade center and he had people destroy the twin towers. He was a king basically of the religious Muslims. So they got his back. How they killed him the Americans went to his house killed everyone and left with the body. Then they dumped the body in the ocean and got the heck out of there. Now everyone is chanting USA.

This is a great day for America.
See ya