
I love hawkeyes!

Friday, February 4, 2011


Hi, right now I'm blogging to you on my Ipad which is also my subject. An Ipad is an Ipod touch that is 4x its size. It's got 13 apps that it comes with. Some of the apps that it comes with would be Youtube, Ipod which is an app where you can download songs, audio books, and podcasts. You get an app called safari which is a Internet app. Maybe not as good as google, but you can get that at the app store. I prefer google over safari, but that's just me.

See yah

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Waffle Song

Hi everybody, I saw a video today it was okay, I guess.  Zach triple dog dared me to put it up so, I did.  It's a song about a guy singing something about waffles.  He says ''do you like waffles''?  Then you reply ''yah we like waffles''.  Here's how it goes.  ''Do you like waffles''.  Audience says ''yah we like waffles''.  Then he says ''do you like pancakes''.  Then so forth. 

Monday, January 31, 2011

My Hamster

Hi everyone, you probably don't know this but on Christmas this year I got a hamster.  His name is Slick I named him that because his fur is really laid back and shiny.  He is kind of a brown orange color.  He loves to go in his ball but if you leave him in there for to long he will puke.  So you probably should not do that.  His favorite food are bananas. If you have a hamster you would know that they are a lot of fun. 

  See Ya