
I love hawkeyes!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Hobbit (Chapter 4 Over Hill and Under Hill)

Hi everyone, when the guys went into the mountains it rained and they needed to find shelter fast so they started to fall asleep on the mountain when they heard smash, smash, smash, it was these trolls in the distance, but they were to far away to come up to the mountain side.  They were annoying so they went into this cave in the mountain side.  They started to fall asleep when Bilbo saw a crack on the cave side.  It got bigger and bigger and then a goblin came out and stole all their stuff.  Bilbo hollered and everybody woke up, but it was to late goblins came one by one and cuffed Bilbo, Gandalf, and the dwarves.  They brought them to the king goblin and he asked Thorin one of the dwarves to bow to him he didn't instead he brought out his sword.  All of the goblins hissed at him. Then out of nowhere a sword came and killed the king goblin.  Then it killed the rest of the goblins.  Bilbo and his friends escaped and ran across the mountain at top speed.  Dori one of the dwarves helped Bilbo run, but then she was pulled into the darkness.  Bilbo flew off and hit his head on a rock.  That's the end of this chapther. 

 See ya

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Hobbit (Chapter 3 A Short Rest

Hi everyone, Holden here I'm on chapter 3 in The Hobbit.  Well after they beat the troll it started to rain and they needed shelter so they started walking and found a village the village was filled with elves
the elves were nice, and they let Bilbo and his friends sleep there and brought food for their long journey.  Then they left and went into the mountains.

see ya

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Hobbit (Chapter 2 Roast Muttin)

Hi everyone, if you read my last post then you would know this is chapter 2.  By the way, Bilbo is a hobbit and Gandalf is a wizard or warlock.  Anyway, after they set off it started to rain and that put down the gang's spirits.  They traveled a while until they saw a fire.  They told Bilbo to check it out because he is the sneaky one.  Bilbo went out and he saw three pretty big trolls.  The trolls were drinking and having a good time.  Bilbo thought that since they're trolls their pockets should be filled, but when Bilbo put his hand in one of the troll's pockets he suspected it and picked Bilbo up by the ankle.  The trolls asked him some questions about why he was there or if there were more of his kind.  Bilbo's friends the dwarfs were not expecting this at the time so they came looking for Bilbo and the trolls attacked.  They captured everyone except for Bilbo and Gandalf.  Gandalf came to them without the trolls knowing and he used his magic to turn the trolls against each oher.  And that's where I'm at.

see ya