
I love hawkeyes!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Learning blog

Hi everybody, I learned how to do 2-digit 1-digit multiplication here is a helpful lesson on how to do it.

                                          x  9
                                     ________     First you do 9 times 1 then put it on the bottom like this.

                                          x  9                                        

                Then you do 9 times 2 once you're done put it on the bottom.                  21
                                                                                                                                  x  9
That's how you do it.


Hey everybody, how was your weekend? Well as the title of my blog let's learn about giraffes. Giraffes are 18 feet tall usually, but sometimes a bigger giraffe comes in. giraffes are the tallest animal in Africa. Giraffes live longer than 20 years isn't that amazing! You know what's weird giraffes have a tongue 21 inches long. Like the cactus giraffes can go weeks without water. One other thing you need to know is that they are pray not predators.


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Philedelphia makes Playoffs

Hi guys did you see the Eagles vs Vikings football game? Oh it was a close game in the first half  but Michael had to make that stupid play when he fumbled the ball for a Viking touchdown so that was a really bad for the eagles. The rest of the game was pretty boring it was just touchdown after touchdown with the vikings. They lost that game, and didn't get a by but since they're  in 1st in the NFC east I'm happy. That would really make a Vikings fan happy on that game, but I'm not. Oh and when they play Green Bay in the first round of the playoffs so that will be a tremendous battle because you saw what they did to the Bears.

P.S. for more info about NFL go to


the Adventures of Pancake man and Sandwich man the True Story

Chapter 1 the Villain
Pancake man was taking a stroll in Buffet City. When  someone was taking cake from a bank, he spun into action.   Kapunch!  Pow!  Justice has been served raw.  "Here coppers," he said.  Suddenly, Sandwich man came and said ''Hi,  let's go back to headquarters.'' Waffle dog barked which is strange. ''I think he wants us to use the toast machine Click at the press of a button they found all the bad guys in the city. We must go to the cake mobile'' said Pancake man. Zoom they went as fast as lightning. Then a doctor appeared he said, ''Hi there was an accident here but they're okay. Oh, and by the way they're your aunt and uncle Sandwich man. You should probably go to the hospital and support them'', said the doctor. Then, they were off,  "Good bye kind doctor", they said together. They went to the hospital and Pancake man saw the room of his sidekicks aunt and uncle. Thanks, they went in and saw them they said, ''we'll be okay you guys save the world and whatever super hero's do.'' Then someone came in it was Broccoli man. ''You are evil'', said Pancake man. They had a battle punch they hit Broccoli man. '' We won by a knock out'' ,they both said. Oh happy day, oh happy day. ''We won'' said Sandwich man. Sandwich man grabbed a rope from his utility bacon belt and swung them back to headquarters. Then Pancake man started eating a sandwich. You murderer Sandwich man started saying. It's not a sandwich it's a taco and strangely kid taco arrived. ''What are you doing here said Sandwich man.'' I've brought good news'' said kid taco. Filece Navidad guys that means Merry Christmas. Then Santa was riding over head. Watch out said are hero's but it was to late Santa got ran over by a banana peel. ''Awkward'' said Pancake man. They told kid taco to leave and our hero's went on a stroll through pizza park and found an eating contest. Guess what they were eating....PANCAKES!!! They tried to see who made this monstrosity but little did are hero's know they were being followed. Suddenly a salad monster and a pop bottle appeared they said, " roooooaaaarrrrr"! Are hero's were remotely scared and they said, " We are going to run", and so they did. Then the next chapter happens.

Chapter 2 Root beer Attack

They were just kidding. They used cow milk too defeat them. The bad guys turned good but they went to pie jail anyway. But they got over it. Sandwich man was kind of in the mood for some time at the theater so they went to a show. The play they were doing was HumptyDumpty sat on a wall. ''This isn't exiting'' ,said Sandwich man. Just then two glasses of Root beer walked in. They got some ice cream and took a seat right next to our hero's. When the play was over the Root beer guys tried to get rid of Pancake man and Sandwich man. They failed in many ways, but they never gave up even if it poisoned them, electrocuted them, and turned them into radio active freaks. So we got mad. Then are hero's had enough so they grabbed a straw and drank the root beer out of them. ''It almost tastes like syrup said Pancake man." They headed to headquarters. Waffle dog barked, "woof". He wants us to look at the candy calender. "Oh no it's my nephews birthday", said Pancake man. ''Who's your nephew'' asked Sandwich man. ''That is a good question his name is boy Pancake'' said Pancake man. "We should go to the party'', right you are Sandwich man. ''Wait, we don't have a present'', said sandwich man. ''We have the pancake ring'' told Pancake man. Perfect. To the cake mobile and as before they went as fast as lightning zoom. When they got there they gave boy Pancake his present and got two glasses of root beer to celebrate. Just then... Boom guess who's back THE ROOT BEER MEN! They had a battle but the root beer men were to strong. Boy Pancake came to the rescue he used the pancake ring to hypnotize the Root beer men. He used it to make them drink themselves, and it was over for those guys. "Everybody give boy Pancake three cheers". "Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray"! ''Let's head back to headquarters'' said Sandwich man. ''Let's look at the toast machine again for old times sake'' said Sandwich man. But something strange happened, there was an evil ice cube.''I believe he is in the freezer'' ,Pancake man said. They went there, and they got a battle. Punch ''he's not done yet'' they said. We should get hot sauce to melt him and so they tried. But it's not over yet we got company. ''Get the hot potato'' ,Sandwich man started saying. ''It's too hot we better get out of here'' said the bad guys. Shoo shoo said are hero's. ''We won. Let's go back to headquarters'' said Sandwich man. ''Ah I'm pooped oh there's are bed let's take a snooze,  zzzzzzzzz'', said Pancake man. The next morning this happens. 

Chapter 3 invasion of the bread sticks

Here Sandwich man have a bread stick they're tasty. ''Oh no it's turning into a bread stick monster'' said are hero's. They had a tremendous battle. But we got a lucky shot in, and put him in the fryer. Very strangely he was turned into french fries. ''Glad that's over with'' said Pancake man. Just then they saw the evil Macaroni man and his sidekick Pickle monster. They sprang into action pow they hit them so hard you don't even want to know what they looked like after it. Are hero's rolled the Macaroni man up like bowling a pin and got an orange and rolled a perfect strike. That was the end of him. Later a suspicious carrot walked in it was Macaroni man's cousin, and he was getting rid of Pickle monster because of revenge. And he did. They followed him into a cave. He was waiting for them. Carrot man used his sharp point to cave them in, but little did they know there are  cheese ghosts in that cave. The ghosts snuck up on our hero's because they thought they were business men and they said ''I think they will try to sell me something, and I hope they don' have dirty hands. Sandwich man used his band aid driller to get them out of there and then they saw him, Carrot man.''Who you calling Carrot man that's Dr. professor Carrot to you and don't you forget it.'' ''Gee Wis I'm sorry for calling you names but let are cute little town be, and get out of our sight'' said Sandwich man. ''I better get out of here'' said Carrot man. Not so fast and at the speed of syrup Pancake man got out his trusty utility belt and threw  Carrot man to jail. When they got back to headquarters they watched some t.v. They were watching a scary movie it was a fruitzilla movie. ''May I have a fresh blanket of whipped cream'' said Sandwich man. This is to scary lets turn it off okay kapeesh. They got up but they tripped and fell into the t.v. ''This is impossible'' they said. Weirdly they started to hear a rumbling noise. ''Do you hear what I hear'' asked Pancake man. ''What. Uh oh it looks like some sort of fruit monster said Sandwich man''. ''Here's an Idea run'' said Pancake man''!!! The fruit monsters had apple juice guns! ''Pancake man call, Waffle dog'' yelled Sandwich man. Then Waffle dog entered the t.v. and started playing games with a pie from who noes where he got it. Waffle dog threw a pie at one of the fruit monsters. It made him angry so to cool him off a water clown sprayed him with a squirt bottle, but instead of water he sprayed mayo. The clown went away, and with that are hero's were free to attack. They used the doubledecker attack, they jumped on the monsters and yelled dog pile! Those guys got inflated into mediocre fruit cake. Are hero's left that show and went to the show Animal Planet. They saw all sorts of animals to corn whales to pear worms, but the coolest animal there is the egg while rs aka rot while rs. The egg while rs attacked but are hero's dodged them and tried to get out of that show, but the fruit military came out of nowhere I think from a war movie. The fruit military dropped potato bombs and blasted are hero's back to headquarters. ''That was weird'' said Sandwich man. They went to sleep in their cozy beds, but what they didn't know was that a great evil is approaching it is the worst so fa. When are hero's woke up they went down to eat breakfast. Pancake man saw there was no syrup for him and Sandwich man saw there was no lettuce either. ''Where's are food. I don't think Waffle dog could of ate it because he doesn't like lettuce. ggggrrrrr ''what was that'' asked Sandwich man.

 Chapter 4 t.v. attack 
 It was all their bad friends from the t.v. The egg wilers, the fruit monsters, the water clown, and the fruit military. ''This is going to be hard" said Pancake man. ''No it isn't we've faced harder guys than this'' said Sandwich man. Your right Sandwich man, and Pancake man kicked a fruit monster and stole his apple juice gun kakick. Then he shot down all of the fruit monsters shasquirt, and the water clown knocked the apple gun out of Pancake man's hand. Then Sandwich man had an idea he said ''the only way that they were going to win was to turn them against each other''. So when the fruit fruit miitary was going to bomb them they jumped under the water clown's legs, and then the clown got turned into clown faced mashed potatoes. Plus when the eggwilers were going to attack Pancake man and Sandwich man are hero's jumped on their backs. So Pancake man and Sandwich man rode them into the fruit military and it was humpty dumpty all over again, and it was all over. But all that t.v. stuff was a dream.

The End.