
I love hawkeyes!

Friday, November 12, 2010


Hi do you snowboard? I do. I think it's exhilarating and hard to master. Snowboarding is a sport with a man and a snowboard. The man rides on the snowboard down a hill with snow. If it didn't have snow it would just be a board. The board has straps that will keep the boarder from falling off his snowboard while making his decent. And the shoes are made sticky for the same reason of also the guy not falling off his board. Snowboarding is sort of a mixture of surfing, skateboarding, and skiing.

Snow Leopards

Hola I'm going to tell you about snow leopards. If you haven't seen a snow leopard they're like gray and white plus they have like black spots. They can be found in different parts of Asia. They are nowhere near sea level they are in the rocky mountains. Snow leopards are classified as big cats as I would call them. They are 60 to 120 pounds in wieght. I found something new about snow leopards . I learned they can't roar instead they hiss and growl! that's all I know.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Michael Jackson

Hi do you like pop music. Well if you do then you'll like Michael Jackson. Michael started his career in 1969 and ended it in June 2009. That is also the year he died. He died from the drug Ativan. You should never take this drug if you want to live. Michael had many hit songs from thriller to beat it. But Michael is not known for his singing it's his dancing that people love. Michael was married to none other than Elvis Presley's daughter. Michael is recognized by Guinness world records for being the most successful entertainer of all time.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


This is Michael Jordan.
Sup you like basketball? I love basketball!!! Basketball is a team sport or individual. Their are two different types There's one on one or there's team against team. The object of the game is to score points with a ball and a basket. You throw the ball into the basket and score points until the timer runs out. There are two different ways to score points. You can get two points by doing a layup or shoot the ball inside the square facing the basket. The best player I think their is is Michael Jordan.

 see ya

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Hello soccer is the world sport. It is played in almost every country in the world. Soccer is also known as football in other countries. Their can only be 11 people on the team that are on the field at a time. anyway their can be up to 1,000,000,000 people on the soccer team. I live in America so soccer isn't the sport that kids play in their free time. The positions of the game are goalkeepers or goalies,fullbacks, midfielders, forwards,the sweeper, and the stopper. Soccer is fun if you try it.


Hey have you heard of dragons? Dragons are legendary creatures of myths and folk legends. Different types of dragons come from different places around the world. Like the Europeans have European dragons and China has dragons like water dragons and sky dragons. Dragons are reptiles with scaly skin. Some dragons are real but they are not like the kind in legends. They're more like lizards. One type of real dragon is the komodo dragon. Most dragons are to say to breathe fire or spit poison. Dragons are also said to be guardians of stuff that's important.


Monday, November 8, 2010

Barack Obama

Barack Obama is the president right now. He was born on August 4,1961. He used to be a Senator in Illinois. He is a native of Honolulu,  Hawaii . He was a good student and graduated from Harvard law school. He is also the president after George Bush. Barack's mother died trying to get to him.