
I love hawkeyes!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Complex Invertebrates

Hey more and more invertebrates it seems like. Let's start. In my last post I told you about simple invertebrates. Well now we're talking about complex invertebrates. There invertebrates but they are much sophisticated. These guys have tissues that are there to form organ systems. Segmented worms are our next subject. They are another type of complex invertebrate. There are three worms that belong to this group. Earthworms,leeches, and clamworms. Guess what, all these guys live underwater.

gotta go.


  1. Hey Holden,

    I really like your blog. Gotta love squishy, wiggly critters.
    Good luck in your football games this weekend.

    Talk to you later.
    Aunt Deb

  2. Thanks aunt Deb did you know that a clamworm was a segmented worm.

  3. Holden I did not know that complex invertebrates are much more sophistictated than simple invertebrates and good job!

  4. Good job Holden. I dislike worms of any kind but I hope you enjoy playing with them and eventually dissecting them.
    Gma Pat,
