
I love hawkeyes!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

killer whales

Hey do you want to know about killer whales...great. A killer whale is not what you would usually call it. You would call it an orca. Killer whales are found in every ocean in the world. A orca would often feed on fish but occasionally it would eat a sea lion. Don't be afraid of these gentle creatures.


  1. Hey Holden how come on the news 1 day I heard about a killer whale killing a trainer, are you sure they're gentle?

  2. Hey Holden I like the video it is very cool. Kayd I think they are gentle creatures. Holden do you think orcas are being hunted? Holden ahve you touched a killer whale? I forgot nice blog!!

  3. Jon orcas used to be hunted but now it's illeagle.

  4. WOW so if I go out and kill a orca I will be in jail?
