
I love hawkeyes!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Mrs. Kluver's class

 Mrs. Kluver is my tiger time teacher.  Tiger time is basically a reading class.  In our school and today we talked to our penpals in France.  They are cool I guess.  We've been doing a lot of stuff with this. 

 See ya

Osama Bin Laden dead

Hi everyone big news Osama is dead!!! If you haven't noticed Osama did some really bad things in the past. Like he bombed the world trade center and he had people destroy the twin towers. He was a king basically of the religious Muslims. So they got his back. How they killed him the Americans went to his house killed everyone and left with the body. Then they dumped the body in the ocean and got the heck out of there. Now everyone is chanting USA.

This is a great day for America.
See ya

Friday, April 29, 2011

The Hobbit (Chapter 6 Out of The Frying Pan Into The Fire)

Hello everyone, after Bilbo went into the forest he met up with the gang.  They asked on how he escaped and how he came up behind them with out them knowing.  He lied and said ''I am a master burglar and can sneak up behind anyone."  Then Bilbo told the guys about his encounter with Gollum.  And now they had to find another way around the mountain without going through the goblins territory.  So they went around it and found a dead prairie with a bad aura around it.  They heard a howl and by now they knew that there were wolves around.  So they Hid up in trees.  The king of the eagles were aware of this at the time, but they could not see what the wolves were going after so they waited.  Gandalf was afraid of these evil beasts, but he stood his ground.  He lighted some pine cones on fire with a spell then he launched it at the wolves.  One Wolf  got hit and started lighting him self onto other wolves and so on.  The goblins came down the mountain and helped put the wolves out of the fire.  Well the wolves and the goblins have a long history of evil deeds together.  Now the eagles knew what they had to do.  Out of know here the eagles came and picked up the dwarfs Bilbo and Gandalf.  The eagles dropped them of at there grounds.  Gandalf thanked the eagle king and the eagle king promised to drop them off over the mountains.      

          See ya

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The hobbit (Chapter 5 Riddles in the dark)

When Bilbo recovered consciousness he found himself in a cavern.  He started wondering looking for his friends, but he could not see very well.  He stumbled and found a little gold ring and kept walking.  Now he could hear a creature talking.  The creature was Gollum.  Gollum started talking to Bilbo.  Bilbo brought out his sword and asked the creature if it could help Bilbo.  The creature said yes, but asked Bilbo to a duel of wits a duel of riddles.  Bilbo excepted.  It took a while, but Bilbo stumped him on one ''What is in my pocket?"  Gollum did not no that that was a riddle.  So Bilbo stumped him.  He asked Gollum to tell him the way out, but Gollum refused to.  He attacked Bilbo knocking the ring onto his finger.  Now Bilbo was invisible and Gollum thought Bilbo must have escaped so Gollum (not knowing Bilbo was behind him lead the way out of the cavern).  Gollum has a keen sense of smell and hearing (for being in a dark cave for so long) so he smelled out Bilbo and attacked.  Bilbo was to quick he jumped over Gollum's head and ran out the cave entrance.  He saw a goblin but did not make a noise.  He was at the final door to get out into the mountains.  He was opening up the door when the goblin noticed him.  The goblin called over his goblin friends and charged.  Bilbo was now hurrying he managed out the door and started running down the mountain and into the forest.  That is the end of the chapter.

 See ya

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Hobbit (Chapter 4 Over Hill and Under Hill)

Hi everyone, when the guys went into the mountains it rained and they needed to find shelter fast so they started to fall asleep on the mountain when they heard smash, smash, smash, it was these trolls in the distance, but they were to far away to come up to the mountain side.  They were annoying so they went into this cave in the mountain side.  They started to fall asleep when Bilbo saw a crack on the cave side.  It got bigger and bigger and then a goblin came out and stole all their stuff.  Bilbo hollered and everybody woke up, but it was to late goblins came one by one and cuffed Bilbo, Gandalf, and the dwarves.  They brought them to the king goblin and he asked Thorin one of the dwarves to bow to him he didn't instead he brought out his sword.  All of the goblins hissed at him. Then out of nowhere a sword came and killed the king goblin.  Then it killed the rest of the goblins.  Bilbo and his friends escaped and ran across the mountain at top speed.  Dori one of the dwarves helped Bilbo run, but then she was pulled into the darkness.  Bilbo flew off and hit his head on a rock.  That's the end of this chapther. 

 See ya

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Hobbit (Chapter 3 A Short Rest

Hi everyone, Holden here I'm on chapter 3 in The Hobbit.  Well after they beat the troll it started to rain and they needed shelter so they started walking and found a village the village was filled with elves
the elves were nice, and they let Bilbo and his friends sleep there and brought food for their long journey.  Then they left and went into the mountains.

see ya

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Hobbit (Chapter 2 Roast Muttin)

Hi everyone, if you read my last post then you would know this is chapter 2.  By the way, Bilbo is a hobbit and Gandalf is a wizard or warlock.  Anyway, after they set off it started to rain and that put down the gang's spirits.  They traveled a while until they saw a fire.  They told Bilbo to check it out because he is the sneaky one.  Bilbo went out and he saw three pretty big trolls.  The trolls were drinking and having a good time.  Bilbo thought that since they're trolls their pockets should be filled, but when Bilbo put his hand in one of the troll's pockets he suspected it and picked Bilbo up by the ankle.  The trolls asked him some questions about why he was there or if there were more of his kind.  Bilbo's friends the dwarfs were not expecting this at the time so they came looking for Bilbo and the trolls attacked.  They captured everyone except for Bilbo and Gandalf.  Gandalf came to them without the trolls knowing and he used his magic to turn the trolls against each oher.  And that's where I'm at.

see ya

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Hobbit (Chapter 1 an Unexpected Party)

Hi everyone, it's me Holden this week in guided reading for the blue group we're reading a book on our own and then we have to blog on it.  I'm reading the book The Hobbit.  The Hobbit is in the Lord of The Rings series.  The main character is this guy named Bilbo Baggins.  Bilbo gets a visit from a guy named Gandalf.  Gandalf has a long talk with Bilbo and Bilbo gets mad because Gandalf makes fun of him.  So Gandalf leaves and Bilbo hears his doorbell ring and out of knowhere these dwarwes come out and start having a party (but Bilbo gets mad because they showed no manners).  Then Gandalf comes back and the dwarves told Bilbo that they are going to steal all of the gold from this dragon that supposedly stole it  from someone else.  Bilbo's great grandfather was a great warrior and theft.  So the dwarwes think that Bilbo is the guy to do it.  He says yes and they were off.

see ya

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Full Story of Mrs. Frisby

Hi everyone, You remember my first blog on Mrs. Frisby well that was just a sneak peak.  Here are the main points of the story Mrs. Frisby is a mouse that has a family and there are 4 kids. Timothy is really sick because he got bit by a spider so he can't walk or he'll get more sick.  Mrs. Frisby's husband Jonathon Frisby got eaten by a cat named Dragon.  Dragon is a big cat that is a pet to the Fitzgibbon's.  Well Mrs. Frisby found dragon attacking a crow named Jeremy.  Mrs. Frisby figured out that there will be a problem with her family because the Fitzgibbons are farmers and they need to harvest there crops, but Mrs. Frisby lives in the garden where the dad will do his harvest.  So Mrs. Frisby asks Jeremy and Jeremy said that the owl will know.  So Jeremy flies Mrs. Frisby to the owl.  The owl tells Mrs. Frisby that the rats can move her house so they won't get harmed.  Mrs. Frisby goes to the rose bush where they live and she talks to the leader Nicodemious and he says that they can move her house.  Then Nicodemios tells Mrs. Frisby about the rats and how they got to the rose bush.  He tells her that they were captured by a company called NIMH, but they escaped and went to where they are now.  He tells her that the only way to move the house is by giving Dragon a sleepy powder to make him drowsy so when they work he won't attack.  So she put the powder in his food and got caught by a boy in the Fitzgibbons, and she escapes and they moved her house, but the rest of the details are for you to find.

see ya

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Penguins Endangered

Hi everybody, I bet you didn't know that a penguin is endangered.  The Galapagos penguin species is down to 6,000 to 15,000 penguins.  You might not think that 15,000 would not count as endangered, but that is not that much.  Penguins spend 75% of there lives in the water.  With global warming they might have to be in the water even longer, but with all the predators in the water penguins might just go extinct.  So keep the oceans safe and maybe the penguins will survive.  Here are 3 facts on simple stuff penguins do.

 1. Penguins main diet is krill, fish, and squid.
 2. Penguins can't fly.
 3. Penguins can be found in every place in the southern hemisphere.

Friday, March 25, 2011


Hello its me Holden I am doing a blog about gold.  Did you know that gold is the most malleable metal known to man?  Gold has been around for a long time.  Gold was first discovered at sutters mill California(for America).  If you don't know, gold was why most people left there homes to go search for it.  In 1849 was when gold was pretty popular, but gold gave the name to the 49ers like the football team.  Gold is a good conductor to heat and electricity.  Gold is used for lots of things but is usually used for money.  Per ounce of gold would cost right around to $1435.1.  Gold was very popular among kings and queens. It's time for the quiz.

1. Is gold a metal?
2. Does gold conduct heat?
3. What state was gold found in?
4. What is the most popular year of finding gold?
5. Is gold used for money?

Friday, March 18, 2011

Horses (Canadian Pacer)

Hi everyone, this is probably a late post but I promise this will be good.  A Canadian Pacer is a horse that is a mixture of a Canadian horse and a Narragansett horse.  The first Canadian Pacer was found in the 18 hundreds.  I am pretty sure they have a little bit of Standard bred blood in them so if my calculations are correct then I think they are sometimes used in flat ground long races but since the Narragansett horse is really not a race horse it would not do to well in races.  They were popular in France so I'm thinking after the declaration of Independence was signed the French would bring them over when it was safe.

          see ya

Monday, March 14, 2011

Mrs. friby and the Rats of Nimh

Hi, here's the summary of Mrs. Frisby.  Mrs. Frisby's son Timothy got sick with Pneumonia and can't get out of bed.  Timothy has to get out because the farmer is going to plow and will hit their home.  So they have to move so Mrs. Frisby goes to her crow friend Jeremy.  Jeremy takes Mrs. Frisby to the owl for the answer.  The owl suggests that the rats can move her house so Timothy doesn't have to get out of bed.  Mrs. Frisby goes to the rats home.  They let her in because her husband Mr. Frisby was a great mouse, and the rats new him for some reason.  That's all I've read

                         see ya

Friday, February 18, 2011

Arguement of Social Networks

Hi everyone, if you haven't heard there has been an argument on weather or not that people should be free to use these social sites for there own fun.  Like Facebook and Twitter.  What do you think do you think that we should be allowed to use these sites why or why not?  Hilory Clinton in Thursday February 18 2011 says on a popular web show people on CNN Student news says that we should be able to use Social network sites only if we don't get out of control.  What do you think?

 see yah

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Adams elementary two-hand touch football

Sup, it's me and Kayd Nissen we are going to tell you about the football team that we made.  Here are the players there's me, Kayd Nissen, Cade Curtis, Colton Webber, Jonathon Chase, Zach Shook, Luis Perez, Joshua Luft,  and Tyler Bretey.  We have nine people.  Kayd Nissen at WR, Zach Shook at WR,  Tyler Bretey at TE, Cade Curtis at RB and PR, Luis Perez at FB, Joshua Luft at left LM, Jonathon Chase at C, Colton Webber at QB, and me at right LM.  Here is one of the plays I got from reading the book 50 Greatest Plays in Hawkeye History, but my friends and I changed it a little bit.  I forget the name of the play out of the book, but I changed it to RB pass.  Here's what it looks like.
                            |                            /
                            |               T TT   /     
                            |           ^  OOOO     
                           O      \    |     O
                                      \  |____ \______O      
                                        O          \
 P.S.  The t's are blocking marks.
P.P.S. If you would like to join comment or ask me or Kayd.

Friday, February 4, 2011


Hi, right now I'm blogging to you on my Ipad which is also my subject. An Ipad is an Ipod touch that is 4x its size. It's got 13 apps that it comes with. Some of the apps that it comes with would be Youtube, Ipod which is an app where you can download songs, audio books, and podcasts. You get an app called safari which is a Internet app. Maybe not as good as google, but you can get that at the app store. I prefer google over safari, but that's just me.

See yah

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Waffle Song

Hi everybody, I saw a video today it was okay, I guess.  Zach triple dog dared me to put it up so, I did.  It's a song about a guy singing something about waffles.  He says ''do you like waffles''?  Then you reply ''yah we like waffles''.  Here's how it goes.  ''Do you like waffles''.  Audience says ''yah we like waffles''.  Then he says ''do you like pancakes''.  Then so forth. 

Monday, January 31, 2011

My Hamster

Hi everyone, you probably don't know this but on Christmas this year I got a hamster.  His name is Slick I named him that because his fur is really laid back and shiny.  He is kind of a brown orange color.  He loves to go in his ball but if you leave him in there for to long he will puke.  So you probably should not do that.  His favorite food are bananas. If you have a hamster you would know that they are a lot of fun. 

  See Ya

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Pokemon Trading Cards

Hi guys, what are you doing I know you are reading my post.  We're going to discuss what a pokemon trading card is and where it came from.  The pokemon trading card game originated from the show of pokemon.  the show was made in Japan in 2000 and it was a major hit over there so they thought it would be good in America, and it was.  Eventually it got its own video game, and its card game.  The video games would probably be better.  The game of pokemon cards  is when you and your opponent would choose your six pokemon.  Then  you draw 6 cards from  your deck and place them in your hand.  Those cards would power up your pokemon, or use a stadium card to add a little fun to the battle.  That is what the pokemon game is.

Until next time.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Fruit Salad Song - Pokemon

Hi everyone, I found this video today and it is hilarious. It is a guy who's name is Ash Ketchum and he is singing a really funny song with talking fruit. check it out.

Ipod classics

Hi guys, how was your day?  Ipod time is here.  An Ipod classic an Ipod but it doesn't have apps.  It can hold up to 30000 songs, and 150 hours of video.  It really doesn't matter if you download a t.v. show, a movie, or a music video.  Another cool thing about the Ipod classic is that you can download all of your CD songs off of your computer and burn them onto your Ipod.  This might have been a short blog, but if you can tell me some more stuff about it do?

P.S. The best thing about is definitely the burning CD things.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Hello everybody, like I said in my last post I might do an X-box post.  An X-box is a gaming system that has many things, but we'll start with the basics.  The old X-box controller is not wireless it has a cord connected to the X-box. There are 16 buttons on the controller they are a, b, y, x, right trigger, left trigger, up, down, left, right, start, select, black, white, left joy stick, and  the right joy stick.  The X-box can play movies on it with pretty good picture for the early 2000's, and songs.  The X-boxes first game would probably be Halo 1 or Starwars battle front 1.  There is something cool about the X-box and it is called X-box live.  X-box live is a social thing for games of the X-box. Say you wanted to play Halo with someone around the world you can with X-box live, but it only costs 15 dollars a month.  Here is a picture of the X-box I have.

This is my X-box

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Hi everybody. Today will be the first post of mine that will be bringing back all of the old toys that people have forgotten about. More blogs I might have will be the Pokemon trading cards, Ipod classics, and  X-boxes. Well back to our topic, beyblades originated from Takara which is a factory in Japan. They started selling in the year of 2000. Most of the kids that were born in 2000 grew up with these battle tops. There are three different types of beyblades attack, defense, stamina, and balance. Stamina types will spin for a very long time, and if the beyblades never hit it will always win. Attack types are beyblades that are aggressive and will probably win against stamina types, but they have absolutely terrible stamina. Defense types are beyblades that are built to withstand hard blows from attack types. Balance type beyblades are made to have about half of all the attributes. Those are the types. There are five pieces in a beyblade. The face bolt is the part that screws everything together, and it has the picture of the bitbeast or constellation, but we'll get to that later. The next part is the energy ring it gives the beyblade it's color. The third part is the fusion wheel and it is to give the beyblade power and defense say that another beyblade came up to it really fast and hit it with amazing power it could deflect it, and probably send the other beyblade flying. Or you could say that it would unbalance it, and make it be tilted on one side so it would come at the other beyblade with all it's weight. Plus it the fusion wheel is metal. The fourth part of the beyblade is the spin track. The spin track would determine what the beyblades height is for instance if a beyblade has a tall spin track the other beyblade could knock it down with ease. The bottom part of the beyblade would be the performance tip. The performance tip would be the part of the beyblade that allows it to spin. There are different tips for different beyblades like an attack type would usually have a  rubber one but for some special beyblades it might have a metal performance tip to give it better stamina or maybe better attack. Stamina and balance types usually have plastic performance tips. There have been about two shows of beyblades. I think the old versions main character is Kai and his beyblade is Dragoon. Bit beasts are the animal that represents the beyblade. In the newer version the main charecter is Jinga and his beyblade is pegasus. It is the same thing with bit beasts, but instead they are constillations. Always before you start a beyblade battle you will call out the battle cry

''three two one, let it rip''!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Learning blog

Hi everybody, I learned how to do 2-digit 1-digit multiplication here is a helpful lesson on how to do it.

                                          x  9
                                     ________     First you do 9 times 1 then put it on the bottom like this.

                                          x  9                                        

                Then you do 9 times 2 once you're done put it on the bottom.                  21
                                                                                                                                  x  9
That's how you do it.


Hey everybody, how was your weekend? Well as the title of my blog let's learn about giraffes. Giraffes are 18 feet tall usually, but sometimes a bigger giraffe comes in. giraffes are the tallest animal in Africa. Giraffes live longer than 20 years isn't that amazing! You know what's weird giraffes have a tongue 21 inches long. Like the cactus giraffes can go weeks without water. One other thing you need to know is that they are pray not predators.


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Philedelphia makes Playoffs

Hi guys did you see the Eagles vs Vikings football game? Oh it was a close game in the first half  but Michael had to make that stupid play when he fumbled the ball for a Viking touchdown so that was a really bad for the eagles. The rest of the game was pretty boring it was just touchdown after touchdown with the vikings. They lost that game, and didn't get a by but since they're  in 1st in the NFC east I'm happy. That would really make a Vikings fan happy on that game, but I'm not. Oh and when they play Green Bay in the first round of the playoffs so that will be a tremendous battle because you saw what they did to the Bears.

P.S. for more info about NFL go to


the Adventures of Pancake man and Sandwich man the True Story

Chapter 1 the Villain
Pancake man was taking a stroll in Buffet City. When  someone was taking cake from a bank, he spun into action.   Kapunch!  Pow!  Justice has been served raw.  "Here coppers," he said.  Suddenly, Sandwich man came and said ''Hi,  let's go back to headquarters.'' Waffle dog barked which is strange. ''I think he wants us to use the toast machine Click at the press of a button they found all the bad guys in the city. We must go to the cake mobile'' said Pancake man. Zoom they went as fast as lightning. Then a doctor appeared he said, ''Hi there was an accident here but they're okay. Oh, and by the way they're your aunt and uncle Sandwich man. You should probably go to the hospital and support them'', said the doctor. Then, they were off,  "Good bye kind doctor", they said together. They went to the hospital and Pancake man saw the room of his sidekicks aunt and uncle. Thanks, they went in and saw them they said, ''we'll be okay you guys save the world and whatever super hero's do.'' Then someone came in it was Broccoli man. ''You are evil'', said Pancake man. They had a battle punch they hit Broccoli man. '' We won by a knock out'' ,they both said. Oh happy day, oh happy day. ''We won'' said Sandwich man. Sandwich man grabbed a rope from his utility bacon belt and swung them back to headquarters. Then Pancake man started eating a sandwich. You murderer Sandwich man started saying. It's not a sandwich it's a taco and strangely kid taco arrived. ''What are you doing here said Sandwich man.'' I've brought good news'' said kid taco. Filece Navidad guys that means Merry Christmas. Then Santa was riding over head. Watch out said are hero's but it was to late Santa got ran over by a banana peel. ''Awkward'' said Pancake man. They told kid taco to leave and our hero's went on a stroll through pizza park and found an eating contest. Guess what they were eating....PANCAKES!!! They tried to see who made this monstrosity but little did are hero's know they were being followed. Suddenly a salad monster and a pop bottle appeared they said, " roooooaaaarrrrr"! Are hero's were remotely scared and they said, " We are going to run", and so they did. Then the next chapter happens.

Chapter 2 Root beer Attack

They were just kidding. They used cow milk too defeat them. The bad guys turned good but they went to pie jail anyway. But they got over it. Sandwich man was kind of in the mood for some time at the theater so they went to a show. The play they were doing was HumptyDumpty sat on a wall. ''This isn't exiting'' ,said Sandwich man. Just then two glasses of Root beer walked in. They got some ice cream and took a seat right next to our hero's. When the play was over the Root beer guys tried to get rid of Pancake man and Sandwich man. They failed in many ways, but they never gave up even if it poisoned them, electrocuted them, and turned them into radio active freaks. So we got mad. Then are hero's had enough so they grabbed a straw and drank the root beer out of them. ''It almost tastes like syrup said Pancake man." They headed to headquarters. Waffle dog barked, "woof". He wants us to look at the candy calender. "Oh no it's my nephews birthday", said Pancake man. ''Who's your nephew'' asked Sandwich man. ''That is a good question his name is boy Pancake'' said Pancake man. "We should go to the party'', right you are Sandwich man. ''Wait, we don't have a present'', said sandwich man. ''We have the pancake ring'' told Pancake man. Perfect. To the cake mobile and as before they went as fast as lightning zoom. When they got there they gave boy Pancake his present and got two glasses of root beer to celebrate. Just then... Boom guess who's back THE ROOT BEER MEN! They had a battle but the root beer men were to strong. Boy Pancake came to the rescue he used the pancake ring to hypnotize the Root beer men. He used it to make them drink themselves, and it was over for those guys. "Everybody give boy Pancake three cheers". "Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray"! ''Let's head back to headquarters'' said Sandwich man. ''Let's look at the toast machine again for old times sake'' said Sandwich man. But something strange happened, there was an evil ice cube.''I believe he is in the freezer'' ,Pancake man said. They went there, and they got a battle. Punch ''he's not done yet'' they said. We should get hot sauce to melt him and so they tried. But it's not over yet we got company. ''Get the hot potato'' ,Sandwich man started saying. ''It's too hot we better get out of here'' said the bad guys. Shoo shoo said are hero's. ''We won. Let's go back to headquarters'' said Sandwich man. ''Ah I'm pooped oh there's are bed let's take a snooze,  zzzzzzzzz'', said Pancake man. The next morning this happens. 

Chapter 3 invasion of the bread sticks

Here Sandwich man have a bread stick they're tasty. ''Oh no it's turning into a bread stick monster'' said are hero's. They had a tremendous battle. But we got a lucky shot in, and put him in the fryer. Very strangely he was turned into french fries. ''Glad that's over with'' said Pancake man. Just then they saw the evil Macaroni man and his sidekick Pickle monster. They sprang into action pow they hit them so hard you don't even want to know what they looked like after it. Are hero's rolled the Macaroni man up like bowling a pin and got an orange and rolled a perfect strike. That was the end of him. Later a suspicious carrot walked in it was Macaroni man's cousin, and he was getting rid of Pickle monster because of revenge. And he did. They followed him into a cave. He was waiting for them. Carrot man used his sharp point to cave them in, but little did they know there are  cheese ghosts in that cave. The ghosts snuck up on our hero's because they thought they were business men and they said ''I think they will try to sell me something, and I hope they don' have dirty hands. Sandwich man used his band aid driller to get them out of there and then they saw him, Carrot man.''Who you calling Carrot man that's Dr. professor Carrot to you and don't you forget it.'' ''Gee Wis I'm sorry for calling you names but let are cute little town be, and get out of our sight'' said Sandwich man. ''I better get out of here'' said Carrot man. Not so fast and at the speed of syrup Pancake man got out his trusty utility belt and threw  Carrot man to jail. When they got back to headquarters they watched some t.v. They were watching a scary movie it was a fruitzilla movie. ''May I have a fresh blanket of whipped cream'' said Sandwich man. This is to scary lets turn it off okay kapeesh. They got up but they tripped and fell into the t.v. ''This is impossible'' they said. Weirdly they started to hear a rumbling noise. ''Do you hear what I hear'' asked Pancake man. ''What. Uh oh it looks like some sort of fruit monster said Sandwich man''. ''Here's an Idea run'' said Pancake man''!!! The fruit monsters had apple juice guns! ''Pancake man call, Waffle dog'' yelled Sandwich man. Then Waffle dog entered the t.v. and started playing games with a pie from who noes where he got it. Waffle dog threw a pie at one of the fruit monsters. It made him angry so to cool him off a water clown sprayed him with a squirt bottle, but instead of water he sprayed mayo. The clown went away, and with that are hero's were free to attack. They used the doubledecker attack, they jumped on the monsters and yelled dog pile! Those guys got inflated into mediocre fruit cake. Are hero's left that show and went to the show Animal Planet. They saw all sorts of animals to corn whales to pear worms, but the coolest animal there is the egg while rs aka rot while rs. The egg while rs attacked but are hero's dodged them and tried to get out of that show, but the fruit military came out of nowhere I think from a war movie. The fruit military dropped potato bombs and blasted are hero's back to headquarters. ''That was weird'' said Sandwich man. They went to sleep in their cozy beds, but what they didn't know was that a great evil is approaching it is the worst so fa. When are hero's woke up they went down to eat breakfast. Pancake man saw there was no syrup for him and Sandwich man saw there was no lettuce either. ''Where's are food. I don't think Waffle dog could of ate it because he doesn't like lettuce. ggggrrrrr ''what was that'' asked Sandwich man.

 Chapter 4 t.v. attack 
 It was all their bad friends from the t.v. The egg wilers, the fruit monsters, the water clown, and the fruit military. ''This is going to be hard" said Pancake man. ''No it isn't we've faced harder guys than this'' said Sandwich man. Your right Sandwich man, and Pancake man kicked a fruit monster and stole his apple juice gun kakick. Then he shot down all of the fruit monsters shasquirt, and the water clown knocked the apple gun out of Pancake man's hand. Then Sandwich man had an idea he said ''the only way that they were going to win was to turn them against each other''. So when the fruit fruit miitary was going to bomb them they jumped under the water clown's legs, and then the clown got turned into clown faced mashed potatoes. Plus when the eggwilers were going to attack Pancake man and Sandwich man are hero's jumped on their backs. So Pancake man and Sandwich man rode them into the fruit military and it was humpty dumpty all over again, and it was all over. But all that t.v. stuff was a dream.

The End.