
I love hawkeyes!

Friday, April 29, 2011

The Hobbit (Chapter 6 Out of The Frying Pan Into The Fire)

Hello everyone, after Bilbo went into the forest he met up with the gang.  They asked on how he escaped and how he came up behind them with out them knowing.  He lied and said ''I am a master burglar and can sneak up behind anyone."  Then Bilbo told the guys about his encounter with Gollum.  And now they had to find another way around the mountain without going through the goblins territory.  So they went around it and found a dead prairie with a bad aura around it.  They heard a howl and by now they knew that there were wolves around.  So they Hid up in trees.  The king of the eagles were aware of this at the time, but they could not see what the wolves were going after so they waited.  Gandalf was afraid of these evil beasts, but he stood his ground.  He lighted some pine cones on fire with a spell then he launched it at the wolves.  One Wolf  got hit and started lighting him self onto other wolves and so on.  The goblins came down the mountain and helped put the wolves out of the fire.  Well the wolves and the goblins have a long history of evil deeds together.  Now the eagles knew what they had to do.  Out of know here the eagles came and picked up the dwarfs Bilbo and Gandalf.  The eagles dropped them of at there grounds.  Gandalf thanked the eagle king and the eagle king promised to drop them off over the mountains.      

          See ya

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