
I love hawkeyes!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Adams elementary two-hand touch football

Sup, it's me and Kayd Nissen we are going to tell you about the football team that we made.  Here are the players there's me, Kayd Nissen, Cade Curtis, Colton Webber, Jonathon Chase, Zach Shook, Luis Perez, Joshua Luft,  and Tyler Bretey.  We have nine people.  Kayd Nissen at WR, Zach Shook at WR,  Tyler Bretey at TE, Cade Curtis at RB and PR, Luis Perez at FB, Joshua Luft at left LM, Jonathon Chase at C, Colton Webber at QB, and me at right LM.  Here is one of the plays I got from reading the book 50 Greatest Plays in Hawkeye History, but my friends and I changed it a little bit.  I forget the name of the play out of the book, but I changed it to RB pass.  Here's what it looks like.
                            |                            /
                            |               T TT   /     
                            |           ^  OOOO     
                           O      \    |     O
                                      \  |____ \______O      
                                        O          \
 P.S.  The t's are blocking marks.
P.P.S. If you would like to join comment or ask me or Kayd.

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