
I love hawkeyes!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Pokemon Trading Cards

Hi guys, what are you doing I know you are reading my post.  We're going to discuss what a pokemon trading card is and where it came from.  The pokemon trading card game originated from the show of pokemon.  the show was made in Japan in 2000 and it was a major hit over there so they thought it would be good in America, and it was.  Eventually it got its own video game, and its card game.  The video games would probably be better.  The game of pokemon cards  is when you and your opponent would choose your six pokemon.  Then  you draw 6 cards from  your deck and place them in your hand.  Those cards would power up your pokemon, or use a stadium card to add a little fun to the battle.  That is what the pokemon game is.

Until next time.

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