
I love hawkeyes!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Hello it's me Holden. Do you know about mollusks? Well if you do great but I'm going to tell you more. Mollusks are a really big group of animals such as octopus, snails, oysters and clams. Mmmm they sound good to eat. But back the mollusks. Mollusks are soft body invertebrates. That means that they have no backbone. If you've heard of snails you'd know they have shells. But you know an octopus doesn't have a shell even though it's a mollusk. You know that all the mollusks that I've mentioned are all things we eat.

                                                                           Talk to you later.


p.s. all animals that I've mentioned that are tasty have not been harmed in the making of this blog good by.