
I love hawkeyes!

Friday, October 29, 2010


Hey have you heard of singular and plural possessive nouns. Their nouns but you have to do something to them to make them possessive. To make a singular noun possessive add an apostrophe s. To make a plural noun possessive add an apostrophe. But if it's like sheep than add apostrophe s.


Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Roar!!!!!!!!!!  do you think I'm a stegosaurus. No that's silly. But we're going to talk about them. A stegosaurus has these things like spikes on their backs. They use them to defend themselves. They lived around the Jurassic time period. I love stegosauruses.

 gotta split      hahahahahahaha.

what the heck is a nudibranch

Hi I'm going to tell you what a nudibranch is. A nudibranch is a member to the soft body animals like opisthobranches, or mollusks. A nudibranch has a shell but that's only in the larval stage. I find that they are very colorful. The word nudibranch comes from the Greek word naked gills. If you have heard of these creatures you would often call them sea slugs.

 gotta go

Monday, October 25, 2010


Hey we're finally done with invertebrates. Now we're starting vertebrates. Vertebrates are a animal with a backbone. A backbone will help them run,stand, and not fall on your butt. All vertebrates have cartilage in parts of the skeleton in their bodies. Cartilage is like a cover for the ends of most bones. Are next part is fish. There are three different groups or types of fish as one would say. There are jawless fish,  cartilage fish, and bony fish. Different types live in different waters. But fish have on thing in common. Their all coldblooded. This what a coldblooded animal is. It's a animal that's blood temperature varies on the environment.

   gotta go.